The first chapter I read was the chapter on Romans 9 by Tom Schreiner. Yes thats true. He does a so-so job (but gets an E for effort). Even now I get teary eyed thinking about it. . (Complete with hand signs to denote one jumping out of the Fathers hand). Thank you for the list, Michelle! Pastor Stephen has spent most of his adult years in Los Angeles with his beautiful wife, Helen, and three adult children. 2. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you. Since men have a higher level in the spiritual hierarchy, doesnt using a womans teaching open him up to more possible deception? Hi Elizabeth, yes, please see my comments to WriterHelenDavis (early April) and Robin McLain above (mid August), who had the same questions. Saw Sproul on the list after I had commented. But however unwise I think this is, it does not rise to the level of yoking with a false teacher in ministry (2 Corinthians 6:14ff) and it does not warrant removing Voddie from this list, warning against him, or calling him a false teacher, as some might be tempted to do. I ran and thanked God for the early warning even as I ran. All of the sudden my own sense of autonomy and freedom evaporated and I felt like all I could do was worship God for his undeserved, unwarranted, unnecessary, and unexpected grace. I have trouble with some of their beliefs.. but agree with their desire to live for God.. However, I still find myself struggling with it in some way and Im not sure I could exactly point out what my struggle is with. Chalke, Steve [rejects penal substitution and biblical Inerrancy; supports same sex unions] Cho, Paul or David Yonggi [Word of Faith, pastor of largest church in the world] Claiborne, Shane [Progressive Christian] Clement, Kim [New Apostolic Reformation] Copeland, Kenneth and Gloria [Word of Faith] John Dominic Crossan [Liberal Theology] While many churches have wavered and changed their doctrines, Armstrong projects an image of unwavering orthodoxy and supports the inspiration of the Bible. Reformed pastor Steve Schlissel tries very hard to be ecumenical towards Catholics. Includes some men with Calvinist leanings, Lol,is this a warning (you might want to check out my Statement of Faith tab at the top of this page) or a recommendation? I am disheartened by what I found, but I am eternally grateful for your blog. The fault lies with people who dont understand the difference between true heresy and false teaching. Thanks for the list.. I like Pastor Charles Lawson, and John Courson Bible teaching.. The first breakout session of Stephen Armstrong from the 2014 VBVMI Bible Conference. Creation Group Study: Verse By Verse Ministry International: An in-depth study of Genesis account of the Creation story designed for groups and individuals. Videos. From there I moved on to another essay in that volume by D. A. Carson on John 6.37-44. In order not to draw out an avalanche of attack comments from enthusiastic supporters of that genre of blog, let me just briefly say, I do not consider it, nor those of its ilk, a reliable source. Verse By Verse Fellowship, a Northeast Side church, announced Pastor Steve Armstrong died after his battle with the coronavirus, which has claimed more than 1,800 others in San Antonio. I appreciate you taking the time to expound on those two terms. That makes total sense. Yes, it was hard to limit the list to 10! What are your thoughts on John Hagee and David Jeremiah, and Ed Young? Steven Armstrong interviews Egyptologist Jasmine Day, PhD. Despite the manifold frustrations that I have felt over the years with a certain breed of Calvinist for their sloppy exegesis, caricatures of the perspectives of non-Calvinists, and odd cultural habits, nevertheless, I continue to persevere. I have listened to several of Voddies sermons.. but then read he is a Calvinist.. Sproul (Sr. not Jr.!)? Where are you getting your information? 1 Pastor Armstrong's Easter 2013 message 1 Pastor Armstrong's Easter 2013 message Pastor Armstrong recounts a conversation he had with two Jehovah's Witnesses concerning the identity of Jesus and the meaning of His death and resurrection The comments by Ralph West, pastor of The Church Without Walls in Houston, were made in response to a Nov. 30 declaration . Id encourage you to give any of the gents on this list a try. Great list! Ive also heard Tim Keller. I think that pretty much covers it :0). I am saying this because no teacher is infallible and we are ALL in danger of deception. I was sitting in my living room and was suddenly overwhelmed that God chose me completely and I had done NOTHING to merit it. Hi , Im new to Christianity, can the Bible Recap podcast be trusted? Pastor Tim made this decision based on his belief that there existed under Pastor Mike's leadership a culture among the staff at the Green Campus that did not support Pastor Tim's overall vision for the church. Armstongism refers to the teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong, which became the teaching of the Worldwide Church of God. Sooooo, to make a long story short..and I know it seems too late for that , but I promise you this is a very edited version, I prayed and prayed, and pleaded with the Lord to guide me to a sound church. I was blessed by Voddie when he spoke at a mens conference at my church and have not stopped learning from him ever since. Youre more than welcome. I dont personally understand it because I could not be close with someone I disagree with so passionately, but thats the way God wired me, and He didnt create everybody else just like me. Garrett's Commitment. I would also highly recommend the Theology Gals Facebook group (which mostly centers around Calvinist/Reformed theology, and where you can ask any questions you might have) and podcast. Curious what you think of Dr. John Barnett of Calvary In Michigan? You can also find good podcasts to listen to in two other ways: 1. I was reliving some of that yesterday as I reflected on my initial transition. Keep up the work for his kingdom. Stephen Armstrong was the founder and principal teacher of Verse By Verse Ministry International. Being raised in the same Calvary Chapels and fundamentalist Baptist schools you were, the discovery of this Reformed framework ended up providing more peace in my thought-life than I had ever experience before. Purpose of a Group Bible Study. As part of my reading I was working through two chapters out of a book called Still Sovereign, which was edited by Tom Schreiner and Bruce Ware. There are many more than these 10 godly men out there, both well-known and obscure, that rightly preach and handle Gods word. Stephen Armstrong. "W. 204204 64 Comments 14 Shares Share He is the author of several books. Jakes and Steven Furtick. In 2001, Stephen received God's call to move to San Antonio, Texas, where he soon found opportunities to teach and preach verse-by-verse in churches throughout the area. [] Cf. While I consider him to be generally doctrinally sound and agree with him in many aspects of theology, he is not someone I proactively recommend for a few reasons: 1. I met and spoke to Justin peters at a conference one time. Technically and theoretically, I would generally say its OK (see this article) but when the rubber meets the road, it kind of depends on the situation. It was a biblically sound church but there was no emphasis on calling out the false doctrine in another brother within the church. He spends 20-30 hours a week reading and studying the Bible because, as he says, "That's what it takes to know the Word of God." "I was amazed at how much I have learned about judgment, redemption, the Suffering Servant and God's ultimate love for us. We love Alistair Begg, R.C. I have appreciated the ministry of these men. Oh I could go on . Looking for a scripturely sound, non legalistic church seems nearly impossible at least up here in New Jersey. He became the first Southern Baptist to write a systematic theology. Glad I could be of help :0). Thank you this. Hes also sharing this daily with other men, so my husband brought it to my attention. Hi Sarah- Im Michelle. Just for clarity, I would not be bringing this to his attention. I even started a hermeneutics study (Mark Keilars Word PicturesBecoming a Workman series) and invited the whole church. Mahasi Sayadaw, Vipassana Metta FoundationTranslation Committee (Translation), Steve Armstrong (Goodreads Author) (Editor), Joseph Goldstein (Foreword author) 4.48 avg rating 95 ratings published 2016 4 editions. If hes one of your favorite authors, I would strongly encourage you to look into some of the pastors/authors Ive listed here. Not that all book/DVD studies are bad, just that we desperately need people to be trained in Gods word and how to study it, and that can be better accomplished by simply teaching through Scripture. Check him out! Because Mormons emphasize free agency so much, I felt like I needed to emphasize the creator/creature distinction between God and man, the freedom of God over against the bondage of humanity to sin, and the radical grace of God that initiates salvation. . I felt like I had been putting limits on God and I was beginning to see how boundless he really is. Thanks for stopping by! God Bless! Yes, a number of issues. I pray that we all listen to preachers with an open Bible, a Bible that is falling apart (cf Spurgeon). shelved 1,381 times Showing 30 distinct works. Wednesday Service 7pm. Ed Young (Im assuming you mean junior, not senior) twists Scripture and acts about as undignified as Ive ever seen a grown man of his age act. Oh it did go on to the point that one of the elders screamed at me in Sunday School. Scaer is the toughest writer in the book. But this isnt that. I also consider myself mostly Reformed (you can read more about my beliefs under the statement of faith tab at the top of this page). Awesome list of men that I love listening to(there was only one whose ministry Im not familiar with). I usually recommend Paul Washers (HeartCry Missions) church finder because it includes not only TMS, but some other great church finders as well :0). 0 SAN ANTONIO - A church is mourning its pastor after COVID-19 claimed his life early Friday morning. Hi Ingrid- Glad to be of help. My, oh my, how convoluted things can become! He came to know the Lord in his early 30s, while serving as an Air Force officer. Im not going to warn people away from John Piper as a false teacher, but I cant in good conscience recommend him either. Despite having no professional religious training, in 2003 Stephen was called by God to lead a church planting effort in the city as pastor of Living Word Fellowship. By churchwatcher on December 1, 2015 ( 9 ) Insiders of Joseph Prince's prosperity cult, New Creation Church, are speaking out. Never give up. I did a ministry event out there once; that place is unlike any other. Thank you for clearing that up. Perhaps it can be said that I never really developed into that Cage Stage Calvinist that we all know so well. He currently serves as Associate Professor of New Testament and the Director of the Doctor of Ministry program at Bethel Seminary (St. Paul, MN). Ive learned over the past few years that TBN is dangerous to the Christian soul and now Im on a journey to find good solid Biblical teaching while still avoiding all false teachers so these lists are more valuable than you know for a newer believer like myself. May i also suggest Dr. Paul Elliott of Teaching the Word. He was an astronaut. Heretic Steven Furtick - famous for being presented as Messiah at his Code Orange Revival. Peter felt God's invitation to seminary and had a life-changing experience at the Talbot School of Theology. I ask questions about the doctrines of gracefor which they did not believe. The hardcore reformed guys that dislike anything Calvin wouldnt agree with? The fault here is not with Todd. I read it with an open mind and felt like I was finally reading Romans 9 in a clear conscience. None of these things necessitate Calvinism by any means, but I started to realize that the more I talked to Mormons the more I was refining my own theology. Ill have to check him out! Armstrong greeted onlookers with a smile, but declined to comment. Also, can you make a list of Christian podcasts that are good? Thanks. Recently, we connected again through Facebook and then his reading of my book, Your Church Is To Small.Then last week we shared a long telephone conversation that led me to read his blogs and visit his church site online with real interest. Great list! Thanks, Berna. He was 65. To keep my views consistent I would just have to pass over them like For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. Ephesians 2:8,9 Another is from a more liberal source, however he does seem to have documented his accusations against The Gospel Coalition in endorsing some questionable men. Stephen J. Nichols. It was actually another lady, who commented on the daughters comment by Voddie. Im not a big fan of classes doing book/DVD studies. Stephen Ministry affirms the tremendous value of the laity in doing the work of congregational care, writes pastoral theology professor Tonya Armstrong. I have in mind this kind of Calvinism that is simultaneously rigid and disconnected from the Reformed tradition more broadly. I sat in this church for 18 months, as I studied Gods word and hermeneutics on my own. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. There were so many carnal Christians, a term I loath, its saying you can be Unrejuvenated & show no spiritual fruits of salvation & still think youll be in heaven. Hell provide what you need. Oh thats right, no one can, but YOU can jump out! NICOLE ARMSTRONG. Let's Teach Video Series - Lesson 1. Here are a couple of places you can search to see if theres a doctrinally sound church in your area: HeartCry Missionary Societys (Paul Washer :0) Church Finder, Did you know that Masters Seminary also has a church finder? The type who say deny imputation and you deny the gospel!If it is these types of Calvinists that frustrate youI know what you mean man. Stephen Armstrong is a journalist and author. His preaching was great. The book Yousef mentioned was "From, Thank you for the recent episode about Zionism. . Located in Washington, D.C., The Catholic University of America is the national university of the Catholic Church, founded by the U.S. bishops and the pope, faithful to the teachings of Jesus Christ as handed on by the Church. It sounds like you are on the right track. I spent my Sundays listening to sermons online while cruising the internet everyday. I waited 9 months , then became a member. I remember asking a Bible major friend at lunch during my first or second week on campus about his experience as a Bible major. If you sat him down and talked to him, he would affirm the biblical doctrine of the Trinity, the deity of Christ, that Christ is the only way of salvation, etc. I started listening to men like Paul Washer & Voddie Bachum & started to learn so much. I listen to this man almost daily as I live only 30 miles from him. . REV. I dont tend to recommend Tim Keller as he is a continuationist and also subscribes to theistic evolution, although, otherwise, his doctrine is generally sound. It takes time. On Saturday, June 26th at 10:00 a.m. (CST), we will gather at Journey Fellowship Church to celebrate. One of the things I appreciate about Todd is the gentleness and grace with which he approaches the people he talks about. I have listened to some of the preachers on your list, I was a little confused about Voddie, I liked his preaching, but then read he is a Calvinist.. dont they believe that certain people are chosen to follow God.. and the others are not chosen so they will never believe? :0) Im afraid Ive never heard of him, but this article may help as youre researching him. Neither you nor I know the exact nature or depth of Voddies and Tonys relationship. I have not seen it since becoming aware of that. Justin Peters is one of my favorites, too! As I explain in this article, I dont recommend teachers who live in ongoing, unrepentant sin by associating and partnering with false teachers. As for Christian podcasts, I highly recommend mine :0) (Click on the podcast tab in the blue menu bar). I really have to object to Voddie Bauchaum. deputy governor danforth motivation. what are your reasons for not including him. Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary is deeply committed to being a servant seminary that prepares bold spiritual leaders who are public theologians.